Capabilities of the Mosho Application System



Flash Screen number of times, duration, color
Vibrate number of times
Screen Color RGB value (from 0.0–1.0)
Display a rectangle on screen (aka "plane") size, color, position
Display Image fade in (time), fade out (time), rotation (degrees), scaling
Display Random Image List of images, fade in (time), fade out (time), rotation (degrees)
Display Text Several Fonts, size, color
Display Random Text Number of items
Display Video Full screen only, controls on/off
Random Video List of videos
Display Text Font, size, color
Display Random Text Number of items
Play Audio File volume, HiPass and LoPass filters, fade in (time), fade out (time),
Play Random Audio File From List Number of files, fade in (time), fade out (time),
Text input take text input for later retrieval or upload to URL
Text to server allow texting from phones to a file on our server
Sketch Allows user to draw freehand on screen, option to send the drawing to a URL
Camera – Take Photo back or front camera, upload to a URL
Auto Take Photo by Command back or front camera, upload to our server
Activate/Deactivate Camera back or front camera
Image recognition commands can be triggered when camera sees a certain image
Buttons trigger other cues (used for navigation), store data associated with button for later use, conditional (if…then), trigger text, send data to a URL
Screen touch touched/not touched
Random Phones Send Qs to a specified number or percentage of connected phones
Movement detection Amount of movement
GPS location location
Open Web Page URL
Graphic layering for making menus, complex graphic layouts
Transitions (aka “Morphs”) allows for the transformation over time of some parameters of a Q – applies to graphics, audio and text
Automatic Q follow Q number, delay
Conditional Execution of a Q based on comparison with a stored data point, or by comparison with a randomly generated number allowing for Q execution that is based on probability
NOTE: all graphic and audio files can be located on any web server

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